Clinics and Services

Antenatal Care

Antenatal care is shared by the doctors and the Team Violet community midwives based in Bridge of Don.  Team Violet midwives provide continuity of care for women throughout their pregnancy and after.

To see a midwife to book your pregnancy please email [email protected] giving them the following information:

Date of Birth
GP practice they are registered at
First day of last period
Previous midwife within Team Violet if this is not their first pregnancy

Family Planning

Contraceptive services are provided by all doctors during normal surgeries. Please see your usual doctor. Specialist family planning services such as coil fitting and contraceptive implants are also available in the practice. Please speak to Dr Rhona McKeown, Christine Paterson or Dr Linzi McLennan-Murray if you require further information.

Services For Children

We work closely with our Health Visitor to ensure children complete a specific programme of child development checks and immunisations by the time they are age 5.
Click Here for details of child immunisation programme.

Travel Vaccinations

To try and help manage the GP workload and make sure GP’s are using their skills in the best way the Scottish Government along with all of the GPs agreed that giving vaccination should be moved away from General Practice.

You may have already noticed that your GP no longer provides flu vaccination clinics, these are now run by health board staff, usually in different venues. In a similar way a large number of community pharmacists across Grampian are now providing a Travel Health Service. For more details please visit:

For a list of community pharmacies offering travel vaccinations visit:

Well Woman Clinics

These usually include blood pressure check; weight; cervical smear and are provided during surgery hours by the Treatment Room  Nurse.  Please also bring a fresh urine sample with you.

Cervical screening is routinely offered every 5 years to:

  • anyone with a cervix
  • lives in Scotland
  • is between the ages of 25 and 64 years

We encourage women between the ages of 25 and 64 to have regular smears (5-yearly routine recall).  If you would prefer to opt out of having the smear test please discuss this with your Doctor.